
Cumpărați în vrac Bang Beach 20000 Cutie digitală Puffs Vape de unică folosință


Plaja Bang 22000 pufuri ai nevoie de 50 buc? contactati-ma pentru comanda de 50 buc
100% original airflow adjustment vape bang beach 20k puffs, și conține o baterie de 35 ml și 650 mah, vă poate oferi mare 20000 pufături.

contactati-ma doar pentru comanda minima 50 buc! nu se vinde sub 50 buc, Numai cu ridicata!

Fabrica RandM

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Plaja Bang 20000 Puffs Vape de unică folosință

Plaja Bang 20000 Puffs Disposable Vape uses the latest adjustable airflow technology to help you adjust the size of your puff at any time. and bang 20k vapes integrated LCD electronic display is also one of its features, including battery and e-liquid capacity display, which is simple The elegant Box design is very suitable for daily carrying. It is equipped with 650mah (102030 pure cobalt and 35ml of e-liquid, so you don’t need to charge frequently, and every sip truly belongs to your own beach life.

Plaja Bang 20000 Puffs Vapes Suggested retail price:17-18€/buc

Plaja Bang Vape 20000 Dispozitiv Puffs de unică folosință

Lista de arome:

1.Gheață cu fructe de pădure triple
2.Pink lemonade
3.Afine Zmeura
4.Boabe amestecate
5.Pepene verde cu căpșuni
6.Gheata de capsuni
7.Gheață de struguri
8.Mango piersic
9.Gheață albastră
10.Sour apple
11.Gheata de pepene verde
12.Gheata de piersici

Informații despre produs:

1: Capacitatea bateriei: 650mah (102030 pure cobalt)
2: Capacitate: 35ml
3: Nicotine salt: 0/2/3/5%
4: Number of mouths: 20000
5: Debit de aer reglabil
6: Resistance 1.0Ω (network core)
7: TYPC fast charge
1: Product net weight: 98g
2: Mărimea produsului: 47*26*103mm
3: Small box size: 55*30*120mm (1buc)
4: Middle box size: 115*157*123mm (10buc)
5: Outer box size: 370*360*51mm
6: Greutate: 20.33KG (200buc)

Conținutul pachetului:

1 x bang vapes 20000 Puffs Vape Box

What is the function of the airflow adjustment function of Bang Beach 20k disposable box?

1. Control suction resistance

Tighter draw resistance: Turning down the airflow can increase draw resistance, providing an experience similar to smoking a traditional cigarette. This tighter inhalation resistance is suitable for users who like themouth-to-Lung” (Mtl) smoking method, that is, inhaling into the mouth first and then into the lungs.
Open inhalation resistance: Adjusting the airflow will reduce the inhalation resistance and provide a more open inhalation experience, which is suitable for users of theDirect-to-Lung (DTL)” smoking method, that is, inhaling steam directly into the lungs. This approach is usually accompanied by greater smoke volume.

2. Adjust the amount of smoke

Larger smoke volume: Increased airflow allows more air to enter the coil, thereby producing more vapor, suitable for those who likebig smoke”.
Smaller smoke volume: Reducing airflow will reduce vapor production, suitable for those who prefer a smaller smoke volume or want a more discreet smoking experience.

3. Optimize flavor experience

Enhance flavor: Turning down the airflow allows the steam to be more concentrated, potentially enhancing the concentration of flavor. For those who prefer a strong flavor experience, a smaller airflow setting may be more suitable.
Soft flavor: Increasing airflow will dilute the steam more, resulting in a milder flavor experience, suitable for users who like a gentle taste.

4. Adjust temperature and comfort

Cooler steam: Turning up the airflow allows more air to pass through, lowering the temperature around the coil, thereby producing cooler steam, which is suitable for long-term smoking or when the weather is hot.
Hotter steam: Turning down the airflow will slow down the air flow and increase the temperature of the coil, thereby producing hotter steam, which is suitable for use in cold environments or for users who like warm steam.

Vanzare la cald
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Contact pentru catalogul produselor:Cumpără acum

Model de formă specială vape:forma sticlei/cutie de coca/Lumină RGB/Cristal

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