


Nicotine pouches was free shipping to Europedifferent nicotine different price.
High Quality Bang Brand Nicotine pouches are discreet, tobacco-free products offering a variety of flavors and nicotine strengths, designed for convenient, smoke-free, and spit-free use with consistent nicotine delivery.

卸売のみ! 最低注文量 100 cans!



Bang nicotine pouches Free Shipping To EU

Bang nicotine pouches Free Shipping To EU are pre-portioned packets that contain nicotine, flavoring and other ingredients but no tobacco. Wholesale nicotine pouches are designed to be placed between the upper lip and gums, where nicotine is absorbed through the mucous membranes. High quality bang nicotine comes in 12 flavors and 6mg/12mg/24mg nicotine concentrations to meet different preferences and nicotine needs.

6mg/12mg/24mg Nicotine Pouches Flavor:

1.Lemon mango
9.Super Mint
11.ブルーベリー サワー ラズベリー

How to use Bang nicotine Pouches?

Using nicotine pouches is straightforward and easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use them:

1.Take a Pouch: Remove a single pouch from the container.

2.Place the Pouch: Place the pouch between your upper lip and gum. You can choose either side of your mouth, but placing it above your canine teeth is usually the most comfortable.

3.Position It Properly: Adjust the pouch with your tongue or finger to ensure it sits comfortably and securely.

4.Leave It in Place: Let the pouch sit there for the recommended amount of time, usually 20 に 60 minutes. During this time, the nicotine and flavor will be gradually released.

5.Enjoy the Experience: While the pouch is in place, you can go about your daily activities. There’s no need to chew or suck on the pouch; just let it rest between your lip and gum.

6.Dispose of the Pouch: Once you’re done, remove the pouch and dispose of it in a trash bin. Do not swallow the pouch.

7.Store the Container: Close the container tightly to keep the remaining pouches fresh and prevent them from drying out.

Effects of Bang Nicotine Pouches

Stress and Anxiety Relief: Nicotine can have calming effects, which can help alleviate stress and anxiety for some users.

Improved Concentration and Alertness: Nicotine is a stimulant and can enhance cognitive function, improving focus, concentration, and alertness.

Craving Reduction for Smokers: Nicotine pouches can help manage cravings for those trying to quit smoking or reduce their tobacco intake by providing a similar nicotine delivery method without the harmful effects of smoking.

Tips for Using Nicotine Pouches

Stay Hydrated: Drink water to keep your mouth moist and to help with the absorption of nicotine.

Start with Lower Strength: If you’re new to nicotine pouches, start with a lower nicotine concentration to see how your body reacts.

Follow Usage Guidelines: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding how many pouches you can use per day to avoid overconsumption of nicotine.

Monitor Your Response: Pay attention to how your body responds to the pouches. If you experience any adverse effects, such as dizziness or nausea, consider using a lower nicotine strength or reducing the frequency of use


1 x 6mg /12mg/24mg nicotine pouch cans

メーカー希望小売価格: 6米ドル/個

竜巻 15000 パフ
アル・ファケル・ベイプ 18000 パフ
ランドエムトルネード 10000 パフ
回転ギア ダイナミックスクリーンディスプレイ Bang Vape 20000 パフ
フモットデジタルボックス 12000 パフ

ランドエムトルネード 15000 パフ

製品カタログ・割引クーポンのお問い合わせ :今すぐ買い物

私たちは中国からの VAPE 工場です, 代金引換には対応しておりません.

制作時間:3-7 営業日
輸送時間:8-14 営業日


iban または Western Union による支払いをサポートしています,私たちは中国からの VAPE 工場です, 代金引換には対応しておりません.

当店の商品はすべて、 100% オリジナルで本物の,そのため、偽物の場合は10倍の補償が当店のポリシーです.

無料サンプルがない, 最小注文 50 個はサンプル注文です.


1. 顧客が好みの味を選択できる, ただし、フレーバーが在庫切れの場合は, 製造部門はそれを置き換えるために人気のあるフレーバーを選択します. お客様はフレーバーに基づいた返品または交換を申請することはできません。.

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動画や写真などの証拠を提出できない場合, 商品は交換できません.

詳しい卸価格はこちら, MOQ, 利用可能なフレーバー, 弊社営業マネージャーのヴィッキーまでご連絡ください ワッツアップ:+8618077105750



重さ 105 kg



VAPE 卸売価格