Vampe Vape SPACEX 22000 Vape Indiúscartha
Vampe Vape SPACEX 22000 Disposable Vape with full screen digital display, a premium choice designed for dedicated vapers,Feistithe le a 0.8 corn mogalra óm ,comes with an 850mAh battery and a convenient Type-C charging port, provide you about 15000- 22000 clúimh, le 12 blasanna delicious ,Vapme SPACEX caters to diverse tastes, ensuring that every vaping session is exciting and satisfying.
Vapme Vape 22k Flavor:
1.Blue razz lemoonade
2.Oighear peach
3.Oighear watermelon
4.Blueberry raspberry
5.Oighear silíní
6.Oighear sútha talún
7.watermelon sútha talún
8.Mango peach pineapple
9.Kiwi sútha talún
10.Kiwi passionfruit guava
11.Energy drink
12.Grá 66
Vapme SPACEX 22000 Puffs Features:
Ceallraí: 850mah type-c port
Cumas: 30mL sú vape
Coil: 0.8 corn mogalra óm
Clúimh: 22000+ clúimh
160ríomhairí pearsanta/cás
How to adjust Vapme Disposable Vape Specex 22k airflow?
The airflow control button at the bottom of the vapme vape 22k puffs product, you can adjust the airflow by simply sliding the button.
Is vapme vape Spacex 22k vapes good?
Vapme vapes, including models like the Vapme SPACEX, are generally well-regarded for their quality and features. They often include benefits like adjustable airflow, rechargeable batteries, and full-screen digital displays, which enhance the vaping experience. Users appreciate their flavor options and puff capacity, making them suitable for both casual users and those who vape more frequently.
Ábhar an Phacáiste:
1 x Vapme Disposable vape Specex 220000 Puffs vape
✅ Whatsapp mórdhíola Monarcha Bunaidh:+8618077105750
✅ Tá fáilte roimh mhórdhíoltóirí agus déileálaithe orduithe a shaincheapadh
✅ Na táirgí den chaighdeán is airde agus na seirbhísí is gairmiúla a sholáthar.
Déan teagmháil le haghaidh catalóg táirgí:siopa anois
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Múnla cruth speisialta vape:cruth buidéal/Is féidir le cóic/Solas RGB/Criostail
Sonraí loingseoireachta:
táimid ag monarcha ón tSín, gan airgead a thacú ar sheachadadh.
Sonraí Íocaíochta:
Tacaímid le pá trí aistriú bainc nó aontas an iarthair,táimid monarcha vape ón tSín, gan airgead a thacú ar sheachadadh.
Tá na táirgí go léir inár siopa 100% bunaidh agus barántúla,mar sin is é ár mbeartas siopa ná cúiteamh deich n-uaire ar earraí bréige.
Níl aon léirmheasanna fós.